Simplify your Content Administration:
Content Management utilizing the Panvision Product Family
Our CMS Product Family assists you to master all your Content Management challenges. Whether you are creating complex Internet and Intranet Presentations, organize and key-word your large Digital Asset property, or personalize & individualize printed matter in concordance with your Corporate Design guidelines: our Software products flexibly adapt to your company structure and become powerful tools to reduce cost and turn-around time in your daily work.
Our Content Management Product Family
Projects cannot be handled much more agile than with the relaunch. We are glad that the Panvision team, thanks to its flexibility and the personal commitment of all project participants, made GoLive possible on schedule.
Oliver Germer,
Online Marketing Manager, Warema Renkhoff SE
Corporate Communications and IT employees tested various software solutions and finally found PANBASE to be the best.
Christoph Thünemann,
Group Director Corporate & Marketing Communications, Klöckner Pentaplast
We wanted to offer our customers even more service and with PANSITE we decided on a system that better meets the increased requirements.
Oliver Schnabel,
Software Development, MEDION
In the new approach, is more than the city administration website. It's the whole city in one gig.
Frank Baranowski,
Oberbürgermeister, Stadt Gelsenkirchen
Overall, the new PANSITE application is another valuable tool from Panvision. We would like to thank Panvision for the good cooperation and the helpful instrument.
Monika Lurz,
Personnel Officer at Warema Renckhoff SE
All other systems that were on the market did not meet our needs.
Tino Badziong,
Head of Purchase at Kaiserswerther Diakonie
In the medium term, we want to develop into a paperless hospital and make all clinically relevant data available on the go.
Dr. Marcus Hahn,
Knappschaft Bochum
From adapting the system to the city's IT structure, implementing the new HTML framework, and creating a comprehensive set of special editors - the Panvision team provided us with intensive and extremely constructive support throughout the entire relaunch.
Martin Drexler,
Head of Online Editorial Staff Kiel
In contrast to the use of open source software, at Panvision I have a permanent contact person who knows our company, our goals and the joint project well, is reliable and honestly tells me how things are at the moment.
Christoph Thünemann,
Group Director Communications & Marketing bei BERICAP